Leadership Destination: Gettysburg
Gettysburg Battlefield
"Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth, in this continent, a new nation, conceived of liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that great nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure."
Abraham Lincoln, 19 November 1863

Weight of Command
Principles of Leadership
Operational Leadership
Decisive Communication
Gettysburg. For decades before Normandy or Iwo Jima, the name alone evoked emotion and an innate sense of enormity of this pivotal event in human history. It hold true even today.
Now boarding, for Trident's...Leadership Destination: Gettysburg!
TeamTrident Instructors
Steven McCloud
Steve is the founder of Trident Leadership, and author of Black Dragon: the Experience of a Marine Rifle Company in the Central Pacific. The former corporate trainer has lead tours to historic from Iwo Jima to Normandy, lauded by legendary Head of the Marine Corps History and Museums Division, the late Colonel John Ripley, USMC (Ret) as "...far and away the very best historian/guide I have seen on any tour. Light years beyond the average." Over 20 years Steve has conducted hundreds of battlefield staff rides with corporate and government teams, and Professional Military Education programs for the United States Marine Corps.
Jay Holmes
Jay has had a lifelong passion for military history and leadership study. Holmes is a combat decorated Marine Corps officer, veteran of Vietnam, and former instructor at the Marine Corps Schools at Quantico VA. A retired CEO of a multi-billion-dollar commercial finance corporation, he has traveled to battlefields around the world. Jay has led Gettysburg battlefield staff rides for over 30 years and has taken numerous teams across the European continent. He currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Marine Corps Association and Foundation. When not traveling, Jay enjoys spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren.